(photo from Design Love Fest)
I know it’s Friday and I should be throwing confetti and sharing fun links with you, but that’s not how I feel after the events that have unfolded this week and the weeks before. I feel heartbroken and helpless. I feel angry. I feel at a loss for words. I wish there was something I could say that would make the shooting in Orlando and the wrongful deaths of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and countless others less agonizing, but there isn’t. People are dead and for senseless reasons. What I can say, however, is that to any member of the LGBTQ and black community is that you matter. Your lives matter.
This isn’t an issue of politics, but an issue of humanity. Life is hard enough, we don’t need to be killing each other on top of it all. This weekend, I urge you to do something good for a stranger, hug your loved ones, and just be kind to everyone who comes your way. It’s time to love more and end the hate.
PS If you are looking for action, you can make a donation to the victims families here, here and here.
PPS This post was written before the horrifying events that broke out in Dallas last night. My heart goes out to the victims friends and families.