Well friends… I’ve decided to throw a craft fair! When I moved to Philly last December, I was looking for a way to buy holiday gifts for friends/family from local makers. While there were few fairs, there wasn’t anything that seemed to be as curated and inline with the style I was looking for. Which is why I decided to put an event together myself!
The Holiday Maker Fair is going to be during First Friday, so while you’re out and about, be sure to stop in, grab a drink and shop from 20+ awesome Philly vendors. You can get more details, including the list of shops that will be selling, on the Facebook event page (please invite all your friends). Seriously guys, it’s going to be a blast!
PS for those of you not in the Philly area, I’ll be sure to do a write up of all the vendors after so you can at least visit their shops online!