Yesterday, I shared a prank for April Fools (screen shot above). The full tutorial can be found below:
Time: 10 Minutes
Materials: Kraft Singles, E-6000 Glue, Bottle.
Guys, it’s been so hard to contain this exciting news! Over the past few months I’ve been negotiating what I think is the right move for my business. Â ::drumroll please:: I was able to sell The Crafted Life to beloved brand Kraft! That’s right, I’m now officially The Krafted Life! You’ll still be getting all the same crafty goodness, now just with a side of cheese! What better way to kick off the new partnership than with a DIY Cheese Dipped Vase?!
Be sure to work in a clean, dry area as fuzz tends to stick to cheese!
Apply a layer of E-6000 glue to your bottle, then cover with cheese slice. Smooth over with your finger. Keep adding slices until the entire vase is covered.
Once done, add flowers and enjoy! Vase should last 1-2 days, depending on humidity factors.