Happy 2020 friends!! And what a big year this one is going to be. I always love the start of a new year because I feel like we’re all given clean slates to try to be our best selves all over again. A chance to slow down, take a kind look at our lives, and dream of where we want to be by the time the year is over. Call me sentimental, but New Year’s Eve + the first week of the year may just be one of my favorite holidays.
Between the wedding coming up in May, and some other big news happening around here that you’ll read below, I have so much hope that it’s going to be one of those wonderful years. And I truly hope it’s one for you too.
Now, on to the news + resolutions!
Let’s just jump right into the good stuff, shall we?! I’ve been secretly working on a few updates over the past year and I’m finally really to fill you in on a few things you can expect to see in the upcoming months:
A redesign is coming! YES FINALLY! I’ve been working with Jordan Brantley of The Business Bar over the past few months (she did this current site design back in 2014) and all I can say is GET READY. The content here will more or less stay the same (I’m doing a reader survey this week to find out what you want to see), but the design will be a bit more colorful and polished. A lot has changed since the last time we designed the blog and I really want to give you an updated version of me.
Another big reason The Crafted Life is going to go through a redesign is because I’m making room for an ONLINE SHOP! Typically I’d wait until launch day to share this news with you, but I’ve decided to actually bring you in on part of the process so that you can see the behind the scenes before everything goes live. The first collection of items will be office supplies that I’ve designed and manufactured + a few wholesale items that I’ve selected! I’ve actually been a bit out of my comfort zone throughout the process because I’m learning something new each day and it unfolds. And truthfully, it’s been so so exciting.
Both of these are ideally going to be launching this spring and I’ll be sharing more Behind the Scenes both on here and Instagram. You can also sign up for my Newsletter (on the righthand side of the blog, under the social links) to be one of the first to know when everything launches + get a coupon on launch day!
Oddly enough (and I do mean odd because this has never happened) I was able to complete all of my business goals for 2019. Consider me shocked because I typically fall off the resolution wagon by March. I’ve decided to keep 2020 small, take the pressure off, and be open to where life takes me.
1. Get my finances in order. I started working on this last year and have decided to carry it over to 2020 as well because it’s a lifetime goal. I was able to pay off a bit of debt last year and I’m ready to tackle even more and get my savings up this year. I’ve hired a bookkeeper for my business to really keep everything in check and make sure I’m doing the best that I can do. Considering making this into a series if you’re also looking to make positive financial changes!
2. Read more. A classic and simple (yet somehow hard) goal! I used to read several books a year, but have gotten into the routine of just watching TV until it’s time to go to bed. What can I say, we really like Love Island. Hopefully by setting an earlier bedtime, there will be more time for reading and unwinding before sleep. Also curious how this will change my relationship with the amount of time I spend on my phone. Tell me all of your must-reads!
3. Be vulnerable. I still feel like I hold back from sharing here and on social if something it’s picture perfect. I have a hard time taking videos of myself because I’d rather just focus on the work I’m sharing. Hopefully the monthly behind the scenes I shared last year gave you a bit of insight, and I hope to do more. I’d like to show you more of myself this year (through Instagram stories, my newsletter, and possibly video). Blogging has changed so much since I started back in 2011 that it feels like it’s a bit scattered throughout all the different types of social media outlets. I’d love to make The Crafted Life a place for community and get to know you all as well!
4. Learn to decorate cookies and make pasta. I’ve been baking cookies off and on for a bit, but I’ve always wanted to learn how to decorate them nicely. Hopefully by the end of the year the Christmas cookies I gift will be much prettier! I’ve also made fresh pasta twice now and it’s something I’d love to get really good at. I think we may also take a pasta making class while we’re in Italy for the honeymoon. I’m not typically a foodie or food blogger, but I think it would be fun to document my progress with both skills since they’re fairly new to me. Maybe it’s something you can learn with me?!
5. Quality over Quantity. I don’t want to give you blog post just for the sake of feeling like I have to. I’d like to slow down a bit to dedicate my time to creating more meaningful projects with you in mind. Things that you’ll want to have in your home for years to come. Again, the reader survey tomorrow will help be explore this idea more and I can’t wait to hear from you.
I’d love to know, what’s one thing you’re working towards this year? Wishing you a happy a healthy 2020!