Time: 15-25 minutes
Materials: wreath frame, greenery, dried flowers & berries, floral wire, pruning sheers
Today is an EXCITING day! Not only do I get to share this non-traditional holiday wreath DIY with you, but it’s also the first post in a new project recently started called the Quarterly Collab. The QC is a group of bloggers from around the world who love to create and make. Each season of the year we work on a project with a common theme and share all the steps to 8 beautiful, unique DIYS you can do at home too.
Our first project: wreaths!
I love the idea of incorporating non-traditional colors into my holiday decor. Pops of pink and yellow are certainly unexpected for Christmas, but they make a much needed slash in the sea of red and green.
Start by making bundles of your chosen greenery and dried flowers. Rearrange and play around with the positioning until you achieve the right shape and feel. If you have a large bundle, you may want to secure the positioning with floral wire before attaching to the wreath frame.
Wrap wire around your bundle as tightly as you can. You won’t clip the floral wire until the very end!
Continue adding bundles around your frame and make sure they’re facing the same direction. Once you’re all the way around, clip the floral wire and twist tightly into the frame.
Hang & enjoy! Depending on the dried flowers you choose, you may want to display your wreath indoors. The Craspedia I chose tend to mold if in contact with moisture.
So that’s it! It’s just as painless as the 20-Minute Holiday Wreath I made for Henry Happened a bit back. To see the other seven projects (trust me, you’re going to want to see these beauties!), visit quarterlycollab.com!